PSAC Local 20150

INAC — Vancouver

June 13, 2016
by Theresa

Boycott National Public Service Week


No hot dogs, no ice cream.


In light of the slow pace of negotiations with the new Liberal government, the PSAC is calling on members to boycott the government’s National Public Service Week to be held June 12-18 this year.

The Liberal government has yet to deliver on their stated commitment to repair their relationship with the public service and restore respect for public service workers.

That is why we strongly encourage our members to boycott National Public Service Week and to urge their co-workers to do the same.

We need to show this new government that we are united in our demands at the table.

Read PSAC National President Robyn Benson's message on National Public Service Week.

Also read the PSAC-BC message here.


April 21, 2016
by Theresa

Bargaining Information Session – Tuesday, April 26, 2016

PA Bargaining Team

Our collective agreement expired on June 20, 2014. Members of PSAC Local 20150 are invited to a lunch and learn session: Tracey Cochrane, a member of the bargaining team from PSAC BC is coming to give us an update on the latest round of bargaining with Treasury Board, and she will answer your bargaining-related questions. This is also a great opportunity to meet with your local executive.

Lunch will be served.

Click here for more information on PSAC bargaining:


March 23, 2016
by Theresa

New Executive for 2016

On March 15, 2016, elections were held and the following positions were filled.

  • President - Theresa Marion
  • Vice President - Marion McLarty
  • Secretary - Iris Michael
  • Treasurer - Ruby Langan
  • Health & Safety Representative - Richard Barry
  • Youth Coordinator - Evangelene Dumont
  • Human Rights - Jane Stoneberg


Stay tuned for details on an upcoming lunch hour information session where a member of the bargaining team will come to give you an update on the status of collective bargaining for our group, which is the PA group.





February 15, 2016
by Ruby

PSAC Local 20150 2016 Annual General Meeting


All members of PSAC Local 20150 are invited to the 2016 Annual General Meeting:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016, noon to 1:00 in Leylum.


  • Call to Order by the Chairperson
  • Roll Call of Officers
  • Minutes of the March 4, 2015 Annual General Meeting
  • Report of the President
  • Report of the Treasurer
  • Presentation and Approval of New Year Budget
  • Nomination and Election of Officers
  • Education – Update about bargaining, and Q&A
  • Adjournment
  • Scheduled for election are all seven of the positions. In parentheses is the name of the current member of the executive who will be running for the position.
  • President (Theresa Marion)
  • Vice President (Marion McLarty)
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer (Ruby Langan)
  • Health & Safety Representative (Jane Stoneberg)
  • Youth Coordinator
  • Human Rights

We will serve lunch.

December 22, 2015
by Theresa

2016 PSAC Calendars

psac 2016 calendars

PSAC 2016 calendars are available for pickup on the 16th floor. Enter through 1600 and they are on top of the earthquake cabinet. Pick one up for yourself and your PSAC colleagues.

Happy Holidays!

September 14, 2015
by Theresa

Pre-Election Rally Library Square – Sept 17 noon

PSAC Rally Sept 17

Join other Federal government workers and allies: CAPE, PIPSC and PSAC are teaming up to hold another pre-election rally at Library Square on Thursday.

Join us for speakers, snacks and entertainment.

Meet in the lobby of 1138 Melville Street at 12:00 on Thursday, September 17. We will leave at 12:05 and walk to Library Square. Speeches start at 12:20 will be done by 12:40, in time for you to walk back to work.

Download the poster, print and distribute.

We will also have a table at Wednesday's Wellness Fair at 1138 Melville Street, which runs from noon to 1:00 on September 16, in room 818.

See you Thursday.


August 4, 2015
by Theresa

Meet & Greet National & Regional Executive for Coffee

UNE Logo Unity in Diversity

Please join your local executive for a meet and greet with our component’s national and regional executive, from the Union of National Employees (UNE) of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Coffee and snacks

Friday, August 7, 2015

10:00 to 10:30am



Doug Marshall, President UNE

Kevin King, Vice President, UNE

Jennifer Chieh Ho, Regional Vice President, BC & Yukon Region, UNE

Shirley Torres, Assistant Regional Vice-President, BC & Yukon Region, UNE

It is a time of great change, a time for questions, a time for answers. See you Friday!






May 15, 2015
by Ruby

May 19 Rally for public services & collective bargaining

may 19

May 19, 2015  12:15 pm to 12:45 pm

Library Square 300 West Georgia - North Plaza, Vancouver, BC

RALLY for public services and collective bargaining rights! Join PSAC, PIPSC, and CAPE members from worksites in Vancouver to send a message to the government: we will defend workers rights and public services.

Speakers & Solidarity!

Download a poster - spread the word!

May 15, 2015
by Ruby

Information Meeting Wed. June 10


PSAC Local 20150

Information Meeting & Q&A session

Wednesday, June 10, noon to 1pm, Leylum

Monica Urrutia from PSAC-BC Regional Office will provide information and answer questions about
- latest bargaining updates;
- what happens if there is a strike;
- as a public service employee, what you can and cannot do in the upcoming federal election;
- lunch, lanyards, and more...

Joint Learning Program (JLP) Workshops 2015/16

May 15, 2015 by Ruby | 0 comments


We are happy to announce that the following workshops will be offered by the JLP:

  1. June 30, 2015 – Creating a Harassment-Free Workplace
  2. July 16, 2015 – Understanding the Collective Agreement
  3. July 23, 2015 – Mental Health in the Workplace
  4. August 13, 2015 – Duty to Accommodate

Location: all workshops will be held in the Leylum Boardroom at the 1166 Melville building.

What we need: a minimum of 15 participants, or the session will be canceled. Thus, these courses will be opened inter-departmentally after May 1 to ensure full enrolment.

Did you know: these workshops are FREE and CATERED by UrbanFare!

To learn more about the sessions:

To register: please get your manager's approval, then email Isabelle Margolles, Administrative Assistant, at